What's Happening
February 2016
We had a Spring Potluck to celebrate Marc, Mike & Rick's Birthdays.
Feb 29th Was SPCA Cupcake Day! Our staff made tasty treats and we raised over $200 for our local SPCA!
On Feb 24th our staff had their pink shirts on to support Anti Bullying day!
November 10, 2015
Happy Birthday to Justin Lynn, who celebrated his birthday today!
November 5th, 2015
Happy Birthday to Greg one of our Mechanics who celebrated his birthday on November 2nd. Unfortunately Greg was away at training for his birthday so we had to wait to celebrate on his return.
October 16th, 2015
We had our first ever Fall Staff Potluck today, there was tons of great food and lots of stories to share. We even had some wonderful customers join us for a plate of food.
October 13, 2015
We are celebrating Karen's 8 years with Strathcona Toyota this week.
October 9th, 2015
Our Receptionist Angela & Product Advisor Jami getting into the Halloween spirit.
October 3rd, 2015
Product Advisor Karen Parker cooking up a storm at our sneak peek of the brand new 2016 Toyota Tacoma BBQ. Thanks to everyone who came out to join us.
Happy Birthday Karen Parker!
August 28th, 2015
Don't forget tomorrow is the Howie Meeker Charity Golf Classic at Storey Creek Golf Course. Approx: 115 athletes from the ages of 12 to 69 benefit from the funds raised at the annual event, which brings in between $25,000 and $30,000 annually for the Campbell River Special Olympics.
August 12th, 2015
July 29th 2015
Congratulations Scott on your achievement of Toyota Master Technician!
We appreciate your years of service at Strathcona Toyota and the hard work and determination you bring every day.